"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
Søren Kierkegaard

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 27, 2010 - whole class discussion

Today the girls came to class prepared to discuss The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind using the notes they had prepared from the questions I gave to them the class before.  First period's conversation was great.  I told the girls that the conversation exceeded my expectations.  I would have liked for there to be more time to talk, because the girls had so much to say.  They made many specific references to the text and very little was repetitive.  They found William's story inspirational.  They gained an appreciation for what they had as far as possessions and the access to education.  They questioned the culture and enjoyed learning about a place so different from their home.  I asked them how reading a book about Africa differed from their research last year.  The story carried much more impact than the research of facts.
Second period had a strong conversation, too.  I asked them if they thought the president was corrupt or lacked experience.  They thought he was corrupt and shared evidence for the opinion.
Three students in my third period class did not participate.  Overall the conversation was not as strong.  Many of the girls restated what others had already said.  Thinking about what to do to improve whole class discussion in the future, I think I'd like to try something smaller.  Maybe work with a poem and continue to let the girls know that I want all to speak.  I think I will check in with the three who did not speak, too.  Find out what is up with them. 
In general I feel like the lesson went well.  Third period will need more support and I need to pay closer attention to the individuals.  The questions prior to the discussion were helpful and I liked the rubric I used, too.  I have not read their responses yet, but I look forward to that.
An FYI on 3rd period - their grades on Absolutely Normal Chaos responses were lower than the other two A day.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 2010 - writing and talking about reading

The pace felt slow during fifth period.  Wondered if it was the time of day or the group of girls.  

Sixth period was my one class when I debriefed writing time asked for writing prompts as an option.  May want to provide an option daily.  May be that only sixth period was bold enough to ask.  They are a cute group.  Lots of personality.  When we discussed questions to prepare for whole class discussion, they had quite the conversation going. 

Seventh period kept the sharing going as they discussed passages.  Heard lots of good comments here, too.  

Overall thinking we could have three 30 minute activities at least until we are deeper into our work.  Also thinking we need to read our journals next week.  When do I assign writing as homework?  How do I teach variety?

Wheh!  Department meeting tomorrow - time to discuss these questions and more.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010 - writing and talking about reading

All three classes wrote to the prompt - What's on your mind?  Overall the girls like the idea of having the chance to choose what they write aboutI think we will go with the open prompt for the next two classes.  After that I will ask them to bring an object from home to spark - something to write about.  Right now my conversations have focused on how to support writing.  Will need to address variety.  Maybe in a week + I'll have the girls read their journal to assess the variety they see.  I felt more energy in second and third periods.  I'm not sure if the reading lesson just got smoother or if it's the individuals.  Need to read their work.  Overall the girls liked Absolutely Normal Chaos.  Seemed to be a book they enjoyed and related to.  Pacing is good, if anything we could do more which is nice to think about. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 2010 - day 2

Fifth period seemed to go a little slower.  We only began writing.  I did feel that I got to know that group of girls a little better than the A day girls.  Maybe I'm just getting back into the swing of things.  Class flavor - really felt I gave the class more time to share.  Some how I seemed better able to connect this morning.
Sixth period was a chatty group.  We did get to the point where we wrote off of the what surprised you about the specific details you brainstormed.  Class flavor - one of those random groups.  As they introduced themselves there was a lot of talk about food.?!
And seventh period got to write off what they had circled.  They were very focused as writers.  As a group they were active writers.  And as for flavor I like this group.  They may be the write personality to teach to a sixth time.  They were definitely the most engaged writers.  Guess we'll see how it goes on Thursday.

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010 - 1st day of school

What was accomplished today - I met with my first three classes today.  First period was a bit shorter due to a late start.  More time spent with STARwalk.  Covered agenda; began to write using Murray lesson - brainstorm specific details about a person or place or event.  First period we only had time to write and I shared.  Second period we wrote, I shared and asked them to circle something that surprised them.  About five of them shared what they had circled.  A few were insightful, a few general.  An insightful sharing - my brother notices things about me I hadn't realized about myself.  Third period we wrote, I shared and the girls circled something that surprised them.  A few of the girls needed clarification about what I meant by something that surprised them.  Guess I need to be more explicit.  Do I need to be more explicit after lunch?
Class flavor - First period seemed to be readers.  Second period seemed to have some writers.  Third period need to be more explicit may be a good early observation for the post lunch class.  Summer reading projects were turned in by first and second period classes.  None were turned in during third period.  Could this be a reflection of students' motivation?
Wednesday we will pick up on writing assignment and begin the work of readers.