Today was an A day. I had not seen first and second periods on Wednesday. After checking in it seemed they need more time to poke around and find a topic to write about. I took them through writing about something that happened, that did or something they thought about in the last 24 hours, week, 6 months, 2 years, 5 years. They wrote for three minutes before moving on to the next topic.
First period went well. They kept the pace and wrote! The writing prompts seem to help cement the idea that their first teacher directed writing would be memoir. I am hoping that Tuesday they will feel like they have a topic they wish to develop. Then we will begin collecting.
Second period also went well. Talked to Perla about her writing about running and winning 7th grade president and how it is like William. She can collect around her topic of things that brought her to the place of writing this story.
Third period asked to share ideas after responding to five questions. They shared and then wrote.
Grading their summer reading has helped me see students from a slightly different perspective. Those who are on target with reading responses. Those who need some help. We begin reading Comfort this week and I am looking at ways to provide instruction to best meet the girls' needs.
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