"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
Søren Kierkegaard

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last couple of days - September 30, 2010

In the last two days we worked on our memoirs adding snapshots and thoughtshots.  The girls seemed to grasp the strategy.  I don't know how successful they were practicing the strategy.  In several classes I was able to have students share their writing.  Keyanna shared a memoir about her grandfather's death.  The writing time in all classes felt a bit chaotic.  I need to work on how to manage the class when I am conferencing.  

Then we discussed "Invictus" and identified metaphors.  This time I had the girls write about the meaning and the meaning of the metaphors.  

On A day we did not get to the reflection in all classes.  Second period covered it, but not first. Can't remember if we got to reflection with third period.

Third period had two good memoirs shared - Araceli and Alex.

Today only fifth period got to reflection.  Their poetry discussion was the least inspiring.  I don't think the girls know what a metaphor is.  I think I need to be more explicit - model!!

Sixth period had a good conversation about the poem.  A few girls seemed uncertain of metaphors.  Maybe try peer teaching here.

The seventh period discussion was focused on the idea of metaphor.  Next week I will introduce metaphor as a means of analyzing Kenny's character.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Writing and reading - September 28, 2010

Today and yesterday the girls have been working on their memoirs and responding to Comfort.  At the start of WW I shared a poorly written memoir that I copied from Atwell's In the Middle.  We talked about problems and I asked the girls to share how they would revised the draft.  I'd typed the draft in google docs to make it easy to access.  Technology held the first two periods and did not work during 3rd.  So far today it has been working.  Keeping my fingers crossed for 7th.  Surprisingly the writing time during 3rd was the most focused and the girls shared amazing tidbits about their time writing.  One student told me that since her sister had been in town over the weekend she wrote about her sister.  She'll use the writing in her memoir.  Another student said she had written about one of the places in her memoir.  I was excited to hear how they were using their notebooks to collect around their topics. 

Additionally I went over the first drafts of their memoirs I received last week.  Trying to only focus on one aspect of their writing, I conferenced with each girl.  The overwhelming area of focus was how they could show me that the story was important to them - sharing their thoughts and feelings!

Yesterday and today were the first days to respond to Comfort.  Feeling that the needs of the girls were varied, I created 4 response activities.  The first was a basic response: summary, response with a connection to the text - what made them think this.  The need was apparent after grading so many summer reading projects.  The next was choosing a passage to respond to.  I found this need tied to recent reading responses.  There was a character analysis activity - something I found in Gallagher's Deeper Reading.  The fourth group analyzed the poem Invictus and shared how the poem tied to the text.  While the prep work was significant and the set-up a little chaotic, I think it was a good idea.  Divide and conquer.  Meet the needs of our girls.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Last two days - September 21, 2010

Yesterday I saw my B day students.  We worked with a prompt for our memoirs.  The writing went well both as they responding and when they wrote long.  Fifth period worked with the most focus.  Sixth and seventh were a bit chatty.  All of the classes hunkered down when it was time to spend time with one focus.

We also talked about how writing at home was going.  The girls identified two problem areas.  One a place to work which was conducive to writing.  Lots of younger siblings.  One student preferred writing among others.  The other problem was what to write about.  I will continue to share ideas for generating things to write about.

Today I met with my B day students.  During first period I asked them to write about our speaker this morning and what they hoped to remember.  Then we moved on to reading our recent entries with the hope of finding a topic that interested them.  We wrote a tiny bit towards that.  Then we discussed Naomi Shihab Nye's poem Kindness as a focus poem for Comfort.  First period our discussion was great.  The girls felt that they had a better understanding of what metaphor was after discussing the poem and identifying metaphors.  They also saw how metaphors contributed to the meaning in a poem.

During second period we looked at our notebooks and identified an idea for our memoirs.  The girls seemed focused and successful.  They had some writing time.  Our discussion of the poem was not as rich.  The discussion did not seem to clarify  metaphor in the way it did for first period.

Finally during third period we also looked at our notebooks for ideas for our memoirs.  The class had several questions about what exactly they should do.  Could have been my instruction.  Once I clarified they went back into and most of the girls identified a direction.  Writing time was extremely focused.  Then we discussed the poem.  Their discussion fell somewhere in the middle.  Several of the girls had a greater understanding of metaphor others remained quiet.  

Since I will use metaphor as a tool for deepening their reading experience, their understanding will be evaluated again.  Need to stress when looking at Invictus, too.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Writing about our lives - September 17, 2010

Today was an A day.  I had not seen first and second periods on Wednesday.  After checking in it seemed they need more time to poke around and find a topic to write about.  I took them through writing about something that happened, that did or something they thought about in the last 24 hours, week, 6 months, 2 years, 5 years.  They wrote for three minutes before moving on to the next topic.  

First period went well.  They kept the pace and wrote!  The writing prompts seem to help cement the idea that their first teacher directed writing would be memoir.  I am hoping that Tuesday they will feel like they have a topic they wish to develop.  Then we will begin collecting.  

Second period also went well.  Talked to Perla about her writing about running and winning 7th grade president and how it is like William.  She can collect around her topic of things that brought her to the place of writing this story.  

Third period asked to share ideas after responding to five questions.  They shared and then wrote.

Grading their summer reading has helped me see students from a slightly different perspective.  Those who are on target with reading responses.  Those who need some help.  We begin reading Comfort this week and I am looking at ways to provide instruction to best meet the girls' needs.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Been a while - September 16, 2010

Monday and Tuesday we spent time reading our journals, taking notes and reflecting on what we saw.  The time reading then moved into time to write with the hope that we would find something we wanted to write more about.  The feedback I got from first period was very specific for what they saw - lots of editing comments.  They mentioned liking images and feelings they saw in their writing and much was mentioned about the day we wrote about the objects brought from home and the I remember prompt.
Second period noticed that they were ranting in their notebooks, the words reflected their moods, flashbacks, food (class before lunch), random stuff.  They were specific about what they liked writing about Sea World or pictures brought from home - another object.  This group was a bit more chatty as they worked through their notebooks.
Third period had so many questions about the WNB rubric.  Was I fuzzy or do they just want to know where they stand?  Things they noticed were that their entries are getting longer.  Some lack thought.  Feelings, thoughts and opinions are included in entries.  They like when they wrote about what is in their head. One student commented that she thought her writing sounded like the Annie Dillard excerpt.
On B day the girls in 5th period found confusing entries - mostly due to info left out.  Thoughts and feelings.  Drama.  Something mentioned that they liked was there was a voice that sounded like they were talking to themselves.  Grammar was a concern.
6th period worked noisily.  They had lots of questions and wanted to write for a longer period of time.  They noticed they were writing about all sorts of things - family, friends, stuff you had forgotten, what happened, and all mixed up.
7th period talked about noticing divine beauty, mistakes.  Description and fiction were highlights.  Most seem to want to write fiction, but a few want non-fiction.
We also spent time discussing our reading habits.  The variety within each class gave us the most to talk about.  The question asking what this means seemed most effective to get the girls to reflect on the information gathered and shared.

Yesterday and today the girls used questions from Nancie Atwell to prompt memoir writing.  I was not here for 1st and 2nd periods.  I'm sure they went well, but it's never the same.  Not sure where to go with them tomorrow. 3rd period seemed somewhat like a trial.  I went over the questions with them, they picked a few that interested them and wrote.  Writing time was focused.  The girls shared favorites in small groups.  I sat with Rewon, Araceli and Kristy.  Their beginnings all had possibilities.  Need to show more than tell.
Today with 5th period things went well.  I sat in with Jocelyn who wrote about her cousin, Alize family and Jessica riding a bike.  Definitely need show not tell lesson.  
6th period went well.  I sat in with Jordan who wrote about volleyball.  Yesenia who wrote about her friend Allisa and Maria who had the best start about taking her picture in pre-k.
And finally during 7th period today I sat with Katy who told not showed.  Jenipher who wrote a very powerful story about her step-dad and Lucy a good start about going to see a singer at the Long Center.  Lots of description.  I really think we are ready to begin collecting around our topics.  Hope I'm right!
This class has a few reading concerns - Marlene and Melissa.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Been a week - September 10, 2010

Looking back over the past week. 
Last Thursday and Friday the girls had a reading day - nice, totally easy, girls read for 20 plus minutes.  Relaxing especially for me who got an hour of reading in each day.
Writing during those days involved the object museum, sharing and writing.  The third period class had less interesting objects and the museum time went by more quickly.  On B day no real notes except to say how much I am enjoying 7th period.  Nice for all of us, 'cause I'm doing the same thing for the 6th time.  Cute, varied personalities.

Tuesday and Wednesday we read an excerpt from Annie Dillard's An American Childhood.  For the first time I really felt like B day went better than A day.  Like I'd gleaned from A day the rough spots to improve B day.  The lessons went so much more smoothly.  After reading the excerpt the girls took notes about ideas they wish to remember and thoughts about why they thought AD wrote the story.  Then they brainstormed stories from their lives and began writing one.  A day morning classes went better than 3rd period.  Post lunch slump?  B day worked with a few girls in 5th period as they started to write.  Then I sat down to write.  Good writing period.  Writing during 6th period went well on this day.  Girls seemed more engaged than usual in writing.  Also pleased with writing time during 7th period.

I was out on Thursday.  PA my sub had all good to say about my students.  Today I felt best about 5th period.  6th period I lost a couple and 7th just too chatty - that after lunch thing. 

My goals for next week.  Keep up with blog better.  Grow reading time.  Keep memoir starts going.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

B day writing and in the library

Yesterday I took my B day classes to the library.  Library time went well.  Fifth and sixth period had many excited readers and good conversations about the books and looking for books.  The nice thing about having the girls share favorite reads with their classmates is that the conversations around reading have been very natural.

Writing time with Bonni Goldberg's I remember went well.  The girls always gasp at two pages, but seem to come close and in some cases exceed the page goal.  
A concern and observation about sixth period - the girls seem great, interesting girls, but their work appears lacking.  Wondering if they are an underachieving group.  Thinking about ways to spark their interest so they raise the bar.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

catching up - September 1, 2010

I missed a few days, but now I'm ready to catch up.

Whole class discussion B day went well.  Fifth period went very well.  The pace was spirited.  Lots was shared and little was repeated.  Lots about the causes of the situation in Malawi - deforestation, famine, government.  Girls seemed to have a strong science background.  Sixth period was not as strong.  Five girls did not speak at all!  More than any other class.  This is definitely something to look at.  Consider who these girls are.  How the class is as a whole.  A flag.  Overall the conversation did not go as deep as I would have hoped.  There are strong thoughtful students, but they did not seem enough to keep things going.  This is class is different from third period.  I'm thinking that maybe speaking to the stronger students about how they might be able to activate those who are not participating.  I have to remember that not talking does not always translate as not thinking.  This is a class where all summer reading projects were turned in on time!  Celebrate successes!  Seventh period had lots of good ideas shared.  They also had lots of questions which I liked.  They supported their ideas with facts from the story and felt money was the root of their troubles.  This class had no idea that modern conveniences do not exist world wide for all.  Will continue to think about 6th period.
Writing this week - I've tried offering a prompt at the girls request.  Monday for B day I shared a prompt from Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones - Every Monday (117).  The focus of the prompt was inanimate things you are a friend to.  On Monday most girls chose to stay with What's on your mind?  Those who went with the prompt seemed to appreciate it.  Yesterday on A day I chose a prompt from Room to Write by Bonni Goldberg (is there a pattern?).  I shared Memory is Imagination (2).  The prompt was I remember.  Tuesday most of the girls in all three classes chose to follow the prompt.  I chose the prompt, because I felt it would provide writing to prepare them for a memoir.  I think the girls liked it because it was open-ended.  Many thought it was similar to What's on your mind?  Next class the girls are writing about an object brought from home.
As far as reading on Tuesday, we went to the library for orientation and check-out.  The idea to let girls choose books to share with classmates went very well.  First period was the most sophisticated.  Second seemed to have readers with less interesting taste and the taste of the third period girls was very diverse.  I enjoyed the conversations around the book table.  The sharing went very well.  I think the idea came from Terry Lesesne's new book - Reading Ladders.  Gotta share the credit.  Will make a good tie to Kelly Gallagher's idea of reading trees.  Would like to try that later this semester. 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 27, 2010 - whole class discussion

Today the girls came to class prepared to discuss The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind using the notes they had prepared from the questions I gave to them the class before.  First period's conversation was great.  I told the girls that the conversation exceeded my expectations.  I would have liked for there to be more time to talk, because the girls had so much to say.  They made many specific references to the text and very little was repetitive.  They found William's story inspirational.  They gained an appreciation for what they had as far as possessions and the access to education.  They questioned the culture and enjoyed learning about a place so different from their home.  I asked them how reading a book about Africa differed from their research last year.  The story carried much more impact than the research of facts.
Second period had a strong conversation, too.  I asked them if they thought the president was corrupt or lacked experience.  They thought he was corrupt and shared evidence for the opinion.
Three students in my third period class did not participate.  Overall the conversation was not as strong.  Many of the girls restated what others had already said.  Thinking about what to do to improve whole class discussion in the future, I think I'd like to try something smaller.  Maybe work with a poem and continue to let the girls know that I want all to speak.  I think I will check in with the three who did not speak, too.  Find out what is up with them. 
In general I feel like the lesson went well.  Third period will need more support and I need to pay closer attention to the individuals.  The questions prior to the discussion were helpful and I liked the rubric I used, too.  I have not read their responses yet, but I look forward to that.
An FYI on 3rd period - their grades on Absolutely Normal Chaos responses were lower than the other two A day.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 2010 - writing and talking about reading

The pace felt slow during fifth period.  Wondered if it was the time of day or the group of girls.  

Sixth period was my one class when I debriefed writing time asked for writing prompts as an option.  May want to provide an option daily.  May be that only sixth period was bold enough to ask.  They are a cute group.  Lots of personality.  When we discussed questions to prepare for whole class discussion, they had quite the conversation going. 

Seventh period kept the sharing going as they discussed passages.  Heard lots of good comments here, too.  

Overall thinking we could have three 30 minute activities at least until we are deeper into our work.  Also thinking we need to read our journals next week.  When do I assign writing as homework?  How do I teach variety?

Wheh!  Department meeting tomorrow - time to discuss these questions and more.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010 - writing and talking about reading

All three classes wrote to the prompt - What's on your mind?  Overall the girls like the idea of having the chance to choose what they write aboutI think we will go with the open prompt for the next two classes.  After that I will ask them to bring an object from home to spark - something to write about.  Right now my conversations have focused on how to support writing.  Will need to address variety.  Maybe in a week + I'll have the girls read their journal to assess the variety they see.  I felt more energy in second and third periods.  I'm not sure if the reading lesson just got smoother or if it's the individuals.  Need to read their work.  Overall the girls liked Absolutely Normal Chaos.  Seemed to be a book they enjoyed and related to.  Pacing is good, if anything we could do more which is nice to think about. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 2010 - day 2

Fifth period seemed to go a little slower.  We only began writing.  I did feel that I got to know that group of girls a little better than the A day girls.  Maybe I'm just getting back into the swing of things.  Class flavor - really felt I gave the class more time to share.  Some how I seemed better able to connect this morning.
Sixth period was a chatty group.  We did get to the point where we wrote off of the what surprised you about the specific details you brainstormed.  Class flavor - one of those random groups.  As they introduced themselves there was a lot of talk about food.?!
And seventh period got to write off what they had circled.  They were very focused as writers.  As a group they were active writers.  And as for flavor I like this group.  They may be the write personality to teach to a sixth time.  They were definitely the most engaged writers.  Guess we'll see how it goes on Thursday.

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010 - 1st day of school

What was accomplished today - I met with my first three classes today.  First period was a bit shorter due to a late start.  More time spent with STARwalk.  Covered agenda; began to write using Murray lesson - brainstorm specific details about a person or place or event.  First period we only had time to write and I shared.  Second period we wrote, I shared and asked them to circle something that surprised them.  About five of them shared what they had circled.  A few were insightful, a few general.  An insightful sharing - my brother notices things about me I hadn't realized about myself.  Third period we wrote, I shared and the girls circled something that surprised them.  A few of the girls needed clarification about what I meant by something that surprised them.  Guess I need to be more explicit.  Do I need to be more explicit after lunch?
Class flavor - First period seemed to be readers.  Second period seemed to have some writers.  Third period need to be more explicit may be a good early observation for the post lunch class.  Summer reading projects were turned in by first and second period classes.  None were turned in during third period.  Could this be a reflection of students' motivation?
Wednesday we will pick up on writing assignment and begin the work of readers.